Mrs. C

To the rescue.

Santa is a busy man. He’s a good man. He checks his list twice, just like the song instructs him to. But sometimes, every now and then, he will absolutely ruin some little girl’s Christmas. Luckily, Mrs. Claus knows the man she married all those centuries ago.

Thank you to Noam Murro and everybody at Merkley + Partners who made the project possible.



Using footage we captured on the shoot, we created three TikTok ads that are authentic to the platform in the form of “faux duets.” As Santa throws gifts over his shoulder, the dueter catches something that is useful to them. The ultimate goal is be to encourage users to duet the video themselves, creating a trend with the potential to go viral. Playing catch? Santa tosses you a baseball. On the toilet? Santa tosses the toilet paper. And so on.